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At Eyelash Extensions, our expert lash artists conduct thorough consultations with every client to help determine wha length, curl, and shape would best suit the client’s eyes, taking into consideration both your style preference and the current health of your natural eyelashes. Our technicians take exceptional pride in maintaining a high standard of hygiene and professional application as well as proper technique. The application procedure is so relaxing that most clients even fall asleep. Many wake up stunned and amazed to see how gorgeous their new lashes look because we work every set to perfection. We promise you will love your new and improved lashes, we are confident that the results will speak for themselves!
After getting your lashes done at Lash Forever Eyelash Extensions, you will notice a change in your daily beauty routine. When you wake up you will find it extremely convenient to no longer need to apply mascara or utilize an eyelash curler. With eyelash extensions, you can prevent damage to your natural eyelashes normally caused by eyelash curlers and/or heavy mascara application.

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  • Please follow these guidelines to help keep your eyelash extensions looking beautiful.

  • ● Be gentle with your new lashes, do not get them wet for the first 24 hours after application, refrain from touching or rubbing the. The golden rule is: look but don’t touch.

  • ● Avoid swimming, steam rooms, saunas, or extreme heat for 48 hours after application.

  • ● Do not use an eyelash curler on the lash extensions or try to perm or tint them. This will break the bond on the extensions and might damage your natural lashes.

  • ● Do not use oil-based products (oil-based eye makeup, makeup remover, moisturizer, cleanser, sunscreen) on or near your lashes. Use products of non-oily, non-creamy formulas to remove eye makeup. Oil-based makeup products will dissolve the adhesive on the eyelash extensions and will cause your extensions to fall out sooner than expected.

  • ● Avoid rubbing your eyes roughly when cleaning your face and avoid running water directly on your lashes.

  • ● Avoid sleeping face down to prevent pressing against your eyelashes.

  • ● Be very careful when removing makeup in the eye area. Gently go over the eye area, sweep up and away from the lash extensions.

  • ● Using mascara on eyelash extensions is not recommended. If you must wear mascara, only use water-based mascara, please do not use waterproof or oil-based mascara as removing this is difficult to do without damaging your natural eyelashes.

  • ● Do not pull on any loose extensions or you risk plucking out your natural eyelashes. Do not attempt to remove the lash extensions yourself; allow the extensions to fall off naturally or schedule an appointment to have them professionally removed.

  • ● Maintain your lash extensions with regular touch-up appointments, please schedule in advance as availability can be limited.


  • ● Do not wear eye makeup. Makeup close to the eye area must be removed prior to the application process. Use a mild, oil-free cleanser. Do not use oil-based makeup removers.

  • ● Do not apply face creams or sunblock in the eye area. The oil found in many moisturizers prevents eyelash adhesive from bonding to the natural eyelash and reduces the longevity of your eyelash extensions.

  • ● Do not put on mascara. Removing mascara can be very time-consuming and any residual makeup will prevent proper application of the extensions.

  • ● Do not curl your lashes before your appointment. Extensions will not adhere to crimped eyelashes.

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Eye lashes close up macro lashes extensi


With the "Volume" eyelash extension technique, multiple lighter thinner lash extensions are fanned, staggered and stacked onto each existing lash which allows the technician to add significant volume.

The "Classic" application is potentially limited by the number of natural lashes you have, so if your lashes are naturally sparse and thin, there is only so much the technician can do to add volume.

Volume lashes however, are the latest innovation in the lash trade offering clients a new level of glamour options.  


Long Eyelashes


With the "Classic" eyelash extension technique, a single faux lash is applied to each of your natural lashes. The different looks (“Natural” and “Glamour”) are created in several ways. Technicians can vary the number of lashes applied, the lash curl, the lash length, the lash thickness,and finally the lash shape by varying the lengths applied.

Woman with Long Eyelashes


With the "Hybrid" eyelash extension technique, we use a perfect 50/50 blend of our "Premium" lashes and our "Volume" fans. This new "Hybrid" set combines the premium single lash application technique with the volume application technique. The result is a fuller, fluffier and more textured look.

Серьезные модели



A Lash Lift is a based lash enhancement treatment. Instead of doing a traditional perm that simply curves your lashes, A Lash Lift actually turns the eyelashes upwards and adds tint to give them length, height and volume, and an appearance of having longer and thicker lashes. The advanced technique is designed to boost and lift the lash and offers a potential alternative to extensions. It may also complement the application of lash extensions, to facilitate their applications when your lashes are too straight or too curved!

Eyelash Plucking





185$( 2 hours)

TOUCH-UP HYBRID LASHES-120$ (1.30 hour)







Красота Модель
Woman with Long Eyelashes



Lash Lift and Lash Tint-120$

(1.30 hours)

Great for those with lighter color lashes   or anyone looking for a thicker "mascara" .A lash tint will make your lashes appear darker, thicker, and longer - and last for 6 -8 week.

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1. How are eyelash extensions applied?
Our eyelash extensions are applied individually, one by one, 1mm away from the eyelid, never directly on the skin, to your natural eyelashes using a medical-grade formaldehyde-free adhesive. Lash extensions come in different lengths, thicknesses, and curls, results can vary from very subtle and natural to very noticeable and dramatic.

2. How long does the procedure take?
The procedure can take anywhere from 50 minutes to an 2 hours on the service received.

3. Does it hurt?
No, eyelash extensions are painless. Most clients feel comfortable enough to fall asleep during the procedure. 

4. What do I need to do before my appointment?
Please arrive with no makeup on or around the eye area.Lashes must be clean for the adhesive to bond properly.

5. I wear contacts, may I wear them during the procedure?
We recommend removing your contact lenses before lash application. Eyes may feel dry and irritated with contact lenses kept in during lash application since your eyes must be kept closed for the entirety of the appointment (~1 hour).

6. How long do eyelash extensions last?
Eyelash extensions last 2-6 week on average depending on a number of factors such as aftercare, hair quality, weather, etc.

7. What can I do to make my extensions last longer?
Do not get the extensions wet for the first 24 hours after your appointment, keep out of any steam rooms/saunas/swimming pools to give the adhesive sufficient time to bond to the natural lash. Avoid vigorous rubbing of the eyes or tugging at your lashes. Do not use oil-based makeup or makeup removers.

8. Can I still wear makeup/mascara?
We do not recommend wearing mascara since it is very difficult to remove from the extensions without pulling at your natural eyelashes. Please use oil-free cosmetics when removing makeup close to the eye area while wearing eyelash extensions.

9. Can I use an eyelash curler to url my lash extensions?
No,no,no, an eyelash curler will break the bond on your extensions and will damage your natural eyelashes.

10. Will I lose my own lashes?
No, as long as you refrain from rubbing your eyes or tugging at the extensions you will not lose your own lashes.

11. What is the length and thickness of the extensions that are used?
Our lash extensions range from 0.05mm to 0.10mm in length, and 0.15mm to 0.20mm in thickness.

12. When do I have to get them retouched?
We recommend clients come in for touch ups every 2-3 weeks. Clients who prefer to maintain a very full look come in on a weekly basis.


13. How do you remove eyelash extensions?
Removals are done at the salon by the lash artist. Do not attempt to remove the lash extensions yourself, it is best to schedule an appointment to have them professionally removed with a special removing solvent. You may also wait for your natural lash cycle to complete and have the extensions fall off naturally.

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175 SW 7th, Miami, Fl 33130, USA

+1 786 768 5314

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